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Curriculum Details - 2023/2024 (Current)

YearTerm 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6
7Baseline assessment tasks - Review of knowledge, observational drawing and critical analysis.
The Elements - focusing on tone and line. How to use these elements in art work. Media - pencil and fine line pen.
Drawing and Mark making.
The Elements
Drawing and Mark making - focusing on texture and colour. Looking at actual and visual texture, working from direct observation and using imagination. Layering with coloured pencils and introduction to paint.
Ceramics - making a three dimensional clay tile
Clay tile techniques, slab, coiling, modelling, joining techniques, firing, decorating, glazing
Inspired by Lincoln Cathedral and ceramicist Chris Gryder
Perspective and Op Art
Landscape and interior spaces - how to create a one perspective landscape and interior space. Understanding how to use a vanishing point, horizon line and converging lines.
Looking at the work of Op artist Victor Vasarely
Coloured pencil layering.
Still- life, learning how to set up a still-life arrangement.
Observational drawing and painting, ellipses, drawing 3D objects
Artist- Paul Cezanne, watercolour painting techniques.
Summer exam - review of work covered throughout the year.

Cultural project - Mexican spirit animals
Learning about Mexican culture. Creating a spirit animal painting. Imaginative creative writing linked to spirit animal. Media - tempera paint and marker pens.
Learning about the different types of printmaking - Relief, Screen print, Lithography and Intaglio
Creating a 3 colour polystyrene print.
Learning about the work of printmaker artist Angie Lewin.
How to window mount and present a print - Numbering, Edition, Artist's proof.
3D Sculpture.
Learning about the four key sculpture techniques - modelling, carving, casting and construction.
Experimenting with paper folding and manipulation.
Creating a cardboard abstract sculpture working in pairs.
Presentation of sculpture in a mini gallery.
Graphics and Design.
Travel and transport posters - historical and contemporary imagery, composition, typography and colour schemes.
Designing a poster for your local area using paper collage cut out techniques. Stencil skills.
Drawing self portraits from direct observation - front view, side profile.
Learning about the work of Gustav Klimt.
Creating a self portrait in the style of Klimt.
Rubber printing techniques, collage techniques.
Applying knowledge of Gustav Klimt to own work.
Creating a self portrait in the style of Klimt.
Rubber printing techniques, collage techniques.
Independent journaling project.
Journaling techniques - mixed mini workshops using a variety of media.
Individual themes and expression of thoughts and ideas.
9Introduction to GCSE.
Assessment objectives and outline of the course.
Observational drawing - Pine cone project - learning about media.
Abstract Art - painting and relief collage.
Printmaking - Lino printing.
Learning about different types of printmaking.
Monoprinting with multi layer inks.
Creating a four colour lino print on the theme of Architecture.
Pop Art and 3D cardboard sculpture.
Learning about the work of the Pop artists with a focus on Claes Oldenburg.
Visual artist presentation.
Developing a cardboard and paper food sculpture.
Visual presentation about Surrealism.
Surrealist self portraits.
Development of self portraits, photographic imagery and digital art.
Surrealism- self portrait painting.
Year 10 exam 'In the style of'. Preparation work on Surrealism. Final piece developed from direct observation of a range of objects.
Ceramic clay heads inspired by Surrealist Art - thumb pots, slab work and coiling, joining techniques, modelling and carving.
Presentation and mounting of work for portfolio.
Independent project - Developing own ideas from a starting point and producing an independent piece linking to skills learnt in year 9.
10Culture project.
Development of ideas in an A4 sketchbook linked to the theme of world culture. Drawings done from direct observation and secondary source images. Creative map art, collage, mixed media work, printing. Choice of three outcomes - mixed media piece, stamp design, vinyl record design.
Culture project.
Continuation of culture project. Learning about different media, introducing collage and layering. Colour schemes, composition and analysis. Starting to plan final piece.
Culture project.
Working on final piece 'AO4 Present'. Review and reflect on work.

Figure in a landscape project.
Learning how to draw a figure - proportion, clothing, tone, structure. Working from life and producing a range of drawings and studies from primary and secondary source material. Learning about different types of landscape and how a figure fits into the landscape.
Figure in a landscape lino print.
Developing ideas from landscape imagery. Composition, colour schemes, planning ideas for a lino print.
Cutting skills, printing and registering. Mounting prints.
Presentation of Figure in Landscape work.
Year 10 Summer exam.
Introduction to new project - Natural forms. Making your own mini sketchbooks. Collecting source material, mini workshops experimenting with clay techniques.
11Natural Forms 3D design.
Working from direct observation, experimenting with a variety of media, annotation, analysis. Designing and making a ceramic piece.

Natural Forms 3D design.
Mock exam preparation and mock exam final piece.
Creating a 3D ceramic piece.
GCSE Exam paper issued.
Working on exam preparation work in sketchbook.
Painting and presenting ceramic piece.
Component 1 - Portfolio
Selecting and improving best work for portfolio.
Final deadline Easter.
Final exam to take place before Easter.
Mounting and presentation of work for moderation.
Completion of digital portfolio.
Transition work
Research into the importance of drawing.
Developing work on the theme of 'Transformation'.
12Introduction to A-Level course.
Experimental drawing, creating drawing tools, using ink, charcoal and mixed media techniques. Analysis and group discussions about historical and contemporary artists. Looking at landscape and producing a mixed media landscape slice.
Transformation and decay.
Development of ideas on theme. Printing, layering, collage, collographs. Pupils will work in A3 sketchbooks to develop ideas around the key theme working from a range of primary and secondary source images.
Transformation and Decay continued.
Further development of mixed media pieces and introduction to 3D techniques and using clay. Preparation for Yr 12 exam linked to theme. Creation of a glazed ceramic piece.
Exam review.
Personal Investigation from a choice of themes. Visual mind mapping, recording, developing ideas and investigation into the work of other artists. Pupils will develop their own work independently practising skills needed for their Final Personal Investigation.
Independent project continuation. Completion of a major final piece by May half term. Start to produce preparation work for Summer exam linked to ideas in final piece. Exam preparation work and completion of 5 hour exam piece. Introduction to Final Personal Investigation and planning for Personal Study essay. Discussion on chosen theme, collecting primary and secondary resources and taking photographs linked to theme.
13Personal Investigation - Focus 'Recording'. Pupils will work from direct observation and their own photographs to develop work on their chosen theme. Photography skills - photographing objects, different viewpoints, lighting, composition, creating the 'Unexpected'. Personal Study essay.Personal Investigation - Focus - Research and Investigation.
Looking at the work of artists linked to theme. In depth analysis, studies of artists' work, contextual ideas. Personal study - write and complete Personal Study. Final Draft.
Personal Investigation - Focus -Development of ideas.
Idea development in the sketchbook and extending beyond the sketchbook.
Personal Study completion.
Final Exam paper received on 1st Feb. Pupils starting exam preparation work.
Personal Investigation - Focus - Final piece/pieces.
Exam work completed by end of Term 4.
Presentation of Personal Investigation work for Moderation.