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Computer Science

Curriculum Details - 2023/2024 (Current)

YearTerm 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6
9Data Representation 1 - Analogue and digital signals, binary addition and hexadecimal, storing characters and images. Programming 1 - Turtle, repetition, sub programmes.Programming 1 - Data types and user input, parameter passing. Cyber Security - social engineering, security issues, backup and recovery.Network Security - Authentication, encryption, access control.Computer Systems - Hardware - Von Neumann architecture, Fetch Decode Execute cycle, main memory and secondary storage.Computational Thinking - Searching and sorting algorithms.
10Programming 2 - flow charts and programmes using selection.Programming 2 - manipulating strings and random number generation. Trace tables - evaluating the values of a programme by stepping through it line by line.Data representation 2 - Logical and arithmetic binary shifts, storing sound, data compression.Programming 3 - Lists and loops.Networks - Types of networks, TCP/IP model, topologies, hardware, speed and bandwidth.Programming 4 - Formatting strings, file reading and writing.
11Programming - Review of all areas
Software and classification of programming languages. System, application and utility software.
Environmental, ethical and legal issues relating to computing.Revision - Y9 topics.Revision - Y10 topics.Revision - Targeted topic revision.Programming Projects - working on developing the programming skills to produce tasks ready for larger programming writing at A Level.
12Data Representation - Sets and Bases, Floating Point Binary, Compression and Encryption.
Data structures - Creating ways of storing data that represent behaviours - Stacks, graphs. Programming.
Data structures - trees. Algorithms - Reverse Polish Notation, Dijkstra's algorithm. Programming.
Programming - covering simple concepts to ensure good use from GCSE work. Sequence, Selection and Iteration. Using inbuilt as well as creating functions.
Data structures - Queues, dictionaries, hash tables, vectors. Algorithms - Searching, sorting, efficiency. Databases design and normalisation. Programming.
Programming Tasks - tasks that help review some of the theory topics already covered to build on programming skills.
Databases - SQL queries. Table creation, insertion/updating of data, retrieval of data.
Programming paradigms and a focus on Object Oriented Programming.
Databases - RDBMS and Concurrent access. CRUD, REST, JSON and XML.
Theory of computation - Regular Expressions, Finite State Machines, Mealy Machines, Turing Machines and Big O notation.
Big Data and Functional Programming.
Programming Project
13Communications and Networks
Fundamentals of Computer Systems.
Programming Project
Fundamentals of Computer Systems.
Programming Project
Consequences of uses of Computing
Computer Organisation and Architecture.


Curriculum Details - 2023/2024 (Current)

YearTerm 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6
7Network Introduction and eSafety/Cyber Security - this covers how to use our main digital systems as well as introducing some potential eSafety issues and how to avoid them becoming a problem.Initial Assessment of problem solving skills using the Bebras

Algorithms - Looking at what an algorithm is and some common uses for algorithms - concentrating on searching and sorting.

Programming 1 - an introduction to Python using turtle.

Spreadsheets - using Microsoft Excel to calculate results as well as displaying data as graphs.

Word Processing and Typing Skills - we look at the advanced features of Microsoft Word to produce professional looking documents quickly. This unit also looks at developing keyboard skills.

Data Representation 1 - binary, denary and hexadecimal number systems.
Microbits - programming using programming blocks and using the inbuilt sensors and Bluetooth connection wihtin the Microbits to send messages.

Presentation Skills - Developing PowerPoint skills to develop an interactive presentation as well as actual presenting skills.

Computer Communications - looking at how data is moved between computers and also what is meant by the Internet.

Encryption and Compression - looking at how data is kept secure by encryption and also how we can move data around networks more quickly by using compression.
8Cyber Security - A look at how computer systems have vulnerabilities and how to protect against these and also competing in a national competition.

Computer Science Careers - A look at possible careers in computer science and related fields.
Problem Solving and Bebras Competition - looking at different problem solving techniques and how they can help when programming as well as in everyday situations.Programming 2 - data processing and selection using variables in Python.AI - A look at what is meant by aritificial intelligence and machine learning. We look at how these model are built as well as how they can become biased.

Data Representation 2 - How data is stored in a computer system with a focus on how images and text are represented as binary.

Hardware and Software - A look at the main components of a computer system with a specific look at the CPU and logic gates. The software section looks at the operating system and utility software.

Web Development - Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to make a small website
Web Development - conitnued from term 5.

eSafety - A look at possible dangers and health concerns relating to the use of technolgy and how these can be avoided.