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Curriculum Details - 2022/2023 (Current)

YearTerm 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6
12Families and Households: Theories, social change and state policy. Gender roles, domestic labour and power relations in the family. Childhood and changing status of children. F&H: Changing patterns of marriage. Personal life and diversity of families and households. Demographic trends since 1900. Migration and globalisation. Education and training: Sociological theories about the role and function of education. Differential achievement by class, gender and ethnicity.Education continued: Relationships and processes in schools: labelling, setting, subcultures, hidden curriculum. Educational polices and globalisation.Methods of research: primary and secondary, practical, ethical and theoretical issues that influence topic and method. Theory of research: positivism and interpretivism.Is sociology a science?Sociological theories-not linked to topics: Consensus and Control theories, Social Action Theories, Postmodernism and Late Modernism.
13Beliefs in society: ideology, science and religion. Social change and religion. Different types of religious organisations. Secularistion debate.Beliefs continued: the relationship between different social groups and religion. Begin Crime and Deviance: theories-crime, deviance and social order. The distribution of crime and deviance by ethnicity, social class and gender. Crime control, surveillance, prevention and punishment, victims and the role of the criminal justice system. Globalisation and crime in contemporary society; the media and crime, green crime and human rights and state crime. Begin revision.Revision.External exams