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Year 10 - Curriculum on a Page

Showing the curriculum by year

Year 10

Curriculum Details - 2023/2024 (Current)

SubjectTerm 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6
ArtCulture project.
Development of ideas in an A4 sketchbook linked to the theme of world culture. Drawings done from direct observation and secondary source images. Creative map art, collage, mixed media work, printing. Choice of three outcomes - mixed media piece, stamp design, vinyl record design.
Culture project.
Continuation of culture project. Learning about different media, introducing collage and layering. Colour schemes, composition and analysis. Starting to plan final piece.
Culture project.
Working on final piece 'AO4 Present'. Review and reflect on work.

Figure in a landscape project.
Learning how to draw a figure - proportion, clothing, tone, structure. Working from life and producing a range of drawings and studies from primary and secondary source material. Learning about different types of landscape and how a figure fits into the landscape.
Figure in a landscape lino print.
Developing ideas from landscape imagery. Composition, colour schemes, planning ideas for a lino print.
Cutting skills, printing and registering. Mounting prints.
Presentation of Figure in Landscape work.
Year 10 Summer exam.
Introduction to new project - Natural forms. Making your own mini sketchbooks. Collecting source material, mini workshops experimenting with clay techniques.
BiologyPhotosynthesis: Reaction, rates, factors effecting photosynthesis. Uses of glucose. Required practical 6.Respiration and homeostasis: Aerobic and anaerobic respiration, metabolic processes and the response to exercise. Introduction to homeostasis.The human nervous system: Structure and function. Brain and eye (Biology only), control of body temperature (biology only). Required practical 7.Hormonal coordination in humans: Control of blood glucose levels, maintaining water and nitrogen balance (Biology only), kidney dialysis and transplant (Biology only). Human reproductive hormones and the menstrual cycle. Contraception, hormones to treat infertility and negative feedback.Plant hormones: Control and coordination on plants, uses of plant hormones. Required practical 8 (Biology only).Reproduction, variation and evolution: Sexual and asexual reproduction, meiosis, genomes, DNA structure (Biology only), genetic inheritance, genetic diseases and Mendel.
Business StudiesBusiness in the Real World - basic functions and types of business, business sectors, business enterprise and entrepreneurship, business ownership, aims and objectives, stakeholders, expanding a business, unit cost calculations and the economic climate.

Business Operations - production processes including job and flow production methods, efficiency in production, legislation, procurement, factors effecting choice of supplier, procurement and logistics and supply chain management.Business Operations - the concept of quality, ethical and environmental considerations focused around the operations of a business, what makes good customer service and the methods used to provide this and how ICT advances have allowed for customer service to develop.Human resources - Organisational structures including flat and tall structures, recruitment including internal and external methods and the recruitment and selection process and documentation and legislation.Human Resources - motivation including financial and non-financial methods, training including induction, on the job and off the job and ethical consideration linked to operations carried out by the Human Resource Department. Mock exams. Students catch up, recap & revise. Research project set which covers components on exam paper 1.
ChemistryThe Rate of Chemical Change: Factors which affect the rates of chemical reactions, calculation of rates of reaction, collision theory, activation energy and the use of catalysts.Energy Change 1: Exothermic and endothermic reactions, measuring energy changes, reaction profiles and bond energy calculations.Quantitative Chemistry 1: Conservation of mass, balanced chemical equations, relative formula mass, moles and calculations involving amounts of substances in equations (including identifying limiting reagents). Percentage yield and atom economy.Organic Chemistry 1: Crude oil, hydrocarbons, alkanes, fractional distillation, properties of hydrocarbons.Organic Chemistry 1 (Cont...): Cracking, alkenes and addition polymerisationQuantitative Chemistry 2: Concentrations of solutions, using moles and concentrations in calculations including titrations, amount of substance calculations in relation to volumes of gases.
Computer ScienceProgramming 2 - flow charts and programmes using selection.Programming 2 - manipulating strings and random number generation. Trace tables - evaluating the values of a programme by stepping through it line by line.Data representation 2 - Logical and arithmetic binary shifts, storing sound, data compression.Programming 3 - Lists and loops.Networks - Types of networks, TCP/IP model, topologies, hardware, speed and bandwidth.Programming 4 - Formatting strings, file reading and writing.
DT: GraphicsYear 10 we focus on section B of the exam paper
Resistant materials group focuses on Timber
Graphic Design Group focuses on Paper and Board

3.2.1 Selection of materials or components
3.2.2 Forces and stresses Social and ecological issues The six R’s
3.2.4 Sources and origins Properties of materials
NEA Shaping and forming
3.2.6 Stock forms of materials
3.2.7 Scales of production
NEA Tools, equipment and processes Cutting to tolerance Commercial processes Quality control
3.2.9 Surface finishes and treatments
Nea – Section A and C
1st June official NEA
Section A
Analysing the three challenges
Mind Map and Mood board
Client Identified and interview Past and present designers Design companies
Questionnaire Investigation; primary and secondary
Section A continued
Relevant Research
Evaluation of Research
Review against mark scheme

Section B
Design Brief
Justified Specification
Review against mark scheme Writing a design brief and specification
DT: Resistant MaterialsYear 10 we focus on section B of the exam paper
Resistant materials group focuses on Timber
Graphic Design Group focuses on Paper and Board

3.2.1 Selection of materials or components - Timber and wood
3.2.2 Forces and stresses - Timber and wood Social and ecological issues The six R’s
3.2.4 Sources and origins Properties of materials
NEA Shaping and forming
3.2.6 Stock forms of materials
3.2.7 Scales of production
NEA Tools, equipment and processes Cutting to tolerance Commercial processes Quality control
3.2.9 Surface finishes and treatments
Nea – Section A and C
1st June official NEA
Section A
Analysing the three challenges
Mind Map and Mood board
Client Identified and interview Past and present designers Design companies
Questionnaire Investigation; primary and secondary
Section A continued
Relevant Research
Evaluation of Research
Review against mark scheme

Section B
Design Brief
Justified Specification
Review against mark scheme Writing a design brief and specification
EnglishNarrative & Genre - Language Paper 1
Worlds & Lives: contemporary voices in poetry - an introduction to poetry at GCSE (unseen and AQA Poetry Anthology cluster
Narrative & Genre - Language Paper 1
AQA Poetry Anthology Cluster
The power of language - Language Paper 2 (including rhetoric and argument)
Literary Heritage: The Gothic - The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
The power of language - Language Paper 2 (including rhetoric and argument)
Literary Heritage: The Gothic - The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
The power of language - Language Paper 2 (including Spoken Language Endorsement)
Narrative & Genre: The modern novel or drama (Lord of the Flies or An Inspector Calls)
Narrative & Genre - Language Paper 1;
The modern novel or drama (Lord of the Flies or An Inspector Calls)
FrenchGlobal issues: environmental problems and their solutions, discussing inequality and poverty in the world
Grammar: si clauses, recognising the pluperfect tense, verbs of possibility
Travel and tourism: holiday preferences, visiting different places in French speaking countries
Grammar: depuis + present tense, après avoir/être + past participle, venir de + infinitive, using three tenses together
My studies: describing subjects/school facilities, comparing school in UK and France, describing school life in different countries, describing your ideal school
Grammar: adverbs, perfect tense revision, conditional tense revision
Film Study: Les Choristes. The film explores the importance of a positive attitude towards children, the need for a positive teacher/student relationship, and the way in which teachers and students can grow and learn from each other. Students analyse key scenes from the film and produce a review.Careers: talking about future options, university, gap year, apprenticeship, work experience, discussing how to get a job and advantages and disadvantages of getting a job
Grammar: revision of the future tense, passive voice, si clauses
Speaking exam preparation: role plays, photo cards, general conversation questions all of which cover the themes taught this year.
Translation skills
Grammar: using multiple tenses together
Geography2.3.3 The changing economic world - economic futures in the UK - causes of economic change, a post-industrial economy, science and business parks, environmental impacts of industry, social and economic changes in the rural landscape, changing transport infrastructure (road, rail and ports).2.3.3. The changing economic world - transport infrastructure (airports), the north-south divide, Lancashire LEP, UK in the wider world. Coastal Landscapes - Wave type and characteristics. Coastal Processes (weathering, mass movement, erosion, transportation and deposition) Coastal Landscapes - Coastal Landforms. Rock Type, formation of landforms, headlands and bays, cliffs and wave cut platforms, caves, arches and stacks. Coastal Landscapes - Characteristics and formation of landforms resulting from deposition - beaches, dunes
, spits and bars. Coastal Landscapes - characteristics and formation of landforms, economic activities in glacial landscapes, conflicts, tourism in the Lake District. Coastal Landforms - Management strategies. Hard and Soft Engineering Strategies.
3.2.1 Urban issues and challenges - urbanisation, megacities, Rio de Janeiro: importance, growth, challenges (social, economic and environmental), squatter settlements, management of favelas and Favela Bairro project.3.2.1 Urban issues and challenges - Bristol: importance, opportunities and challenges (social, economic, environmental), Temple Quarter regeneration project. Sustainable urban living.
3.3.2 Fieldwork - rivers
GermanGlobal issues: local/global environmental problems and their solutions, discussing inequality and poverty in the world
Grammar: imperative, using the pluperfect tense, recognising/using reflexive pronouns, using reflexive verb with direct objects

Travel and tourism: accommodation, holiday preferences, visiting different places in German speaking countries
Grammar: recognising imperfect tense of irregular verbs, using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, dual case prepositions, relative pronouns
My studies: describing subjects/school facilities; understanding the different school system (comparison UK and Germany)
Grammar: prepositions seit/vor, infinitive constructions
My studies: describing school day, different aspects of school life, your ideal school
Grammar: using common subjunctive forms, revising reflexive verbs
Speaking exam preparation: role plays, photo cards, general conversation - in preparation for mock speaking exam in Y11.
Careers: talking about future options, university, gap year, apprenticeship, work experience, discussing how to get a job and advantages and disadvantages of getting a job
Grammar: using "which" as well as verbs followed by "zu".
Writing exam preparation - review 90 and 150 word tasks
Careers: Talking about choosing a career and different career choices (including ideal job)
Grammar: using a range of subordinating conjunctions, using the genitive case. Translation skills and using multiple tenses together

HistoryAnglo-Saxon & Norman England, 1060-1089; focus on continued opposition to William (the Harrying of the North and 1075 Revolt). Then study the Norman process of occupation, emphasizing creation of the Feudal System, church reforms and centralisation of power.Anglo-Saxon & Norman England, 1060 - 1089; continue on the occupation with focus on the Domesday Book, demesne and sheriffs. Then follow-on with the end of William's reign; looking at his inheritance, the relationship with his son, Robert and the rebellion of 1088.Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918 - 1939; focus on the legacy of World War I, the political revolts and the impact of hyperinflation. Then study Stresemann's solution to these crises and how life changed in the Weimar period (especially for women).Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918 - 1939; the early years of Hitler's career (1918 - 1920), and the development of the Nazi Party (1920-23) and the failure of the Munich Putsch. Then study the lean years (1924-29) and how Nazis worked towards an electoral victory.Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918 - 1939; the growth of the Nazi Party (1929-32) and how Hitler became Chancellor (Jan. 1933) and consolidated his hold on Power (1933-34). Focus on the development of the Police State and the effectiveness of Nazi propaganda.Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918 - 1939; how the Nazis silenced opposition in Germany amongst the young and within the church. Study Nazi policies (youth, women and the workers) and assess how better off Germans were. Look at minority persecution.
MathematicsInequalities – Graphical & algebraic.
Percentages – Growth & Decay
Functions – Notation, evaluating, composite, inverse and problem solving.

Surds – Review basics, calculate with & rationalise inc conjugates
Simultaneous Equations – Solve two linear equations & one linear/one non-linear both algebraically and graphically.
Statistical diagrams – Box plots cumulative frequency, histograms. Comparing data.


Volume – SA & volume cuboids & prisms. STEM link – units including composite measures density & pressure.
Sequences – generate terms, nth term for linear and quadratic, Fibonacci, geometric & other sequences.

Iteration – notation, rearranging, identify roots, degree of accuracy.
Product Rule for Counting
Sampling – random, stratified, capture/recapture.
Inequalities – Review linear, solve quadratic, set notation

Ratio – notation, equivalent, share in, multiplicative nature, equality
Compound measures – Pressure, speed, density
Circle Theorems – circle basics, theorems – identify, use to problem solve and prove.

Trigonometry – Sine & cosine rule, area of a triangle.
Volume & SA – cones, spheres, pyramids & frustrums. STEM link – convert between units of measure.
Algebra – Review simplifying, solving, expanding, factorising, algebraic fractions.

MusicSolo Performance progress update. Solo performances in class are then on a rotation to begin each lesson for the remainder of ks4.
Grade 5 theory and aural skills.
Focus on Rhythm and Metre in performance, composition and appraising tasks.
Perform in the soloist’s concert last week of term.
Ensemble performance progress update - prepare and perform a group piece for the Christmas Concert.
Grade 5 theory and aural skills.
Focus on Pitch and Instrument recognition and techniques in performance, composition and appraising tasks.
Composition – Complete a full GCSE standard composition to a given brief.
Appraising – Area of Study 1: Musical Forms and Devices. Complete a study of a Set Work assigned by the Exam Board and further listening and understanding around the topic.
Composition – Complete a full GCSE standard composition to a given brief.
Appraising – Complete Area of Study 1: Musical Forms and Devices.
Composition – Complete a second full GCSE standard composition to a given brief.
Appraising – Area of Study 4: Popular Music. Complete a study of a Set Work assigned by the Exam Board and further listening and understanding around the topic.
Ensemble performance progress update: prepare and perform a group piece for the Summer Celebration.
Composition: Complete second piece.
Appraising: Complete Area of Study 4: Popular Music.
Choose your pieces for your solo and ensemble performance exams and rehearse them over the summer.
PhysicsWaves in air, fluids and solids, transverse and longitudinal waves, properties of waves, required practical 8, reflection of waves (physics only), required practical 9 (physics only), sound waves (physics only), waves for detection and exploration (physics only)Types of electromagnetic waves, properties of electromagnetic waves 1, required practical 10, properties of electromagnetic waves 2, uses and applications of electromagnetic waves, lenses (physics only), visible light (physics only), black body radiation (physics only)
Forces and their interactions, scalar and vector quantities, contact and non-contact forces, gravity, resultant forces, resolving forces, vector diagrams, free body diagrams
Work done and energy transfer, forces and elasticity, required practical 6, moments (physics only), levers and gears (physics only), distance and displacement, speed, velocity, accelerationNewton's first law, Newton's second law, required practical 7, Newton's third law, stopping distance, thinking distance, braking distance, momentum, pressure in fluids (physics only)Waves & Forces Review
PSHEHealth and well-being.
Mental health - Mental health and ill health, stigma, safeguarding health, including during periods of transition or change.
Living in the wider world.
Financial decision making - The impact of financial decisions, debt, gambling and the impact of advertising on financial choices.
Healthy relationships - Relationships and sex expectations, myths, pleasure and challenges, including the impact of the media and pornography.
Health and well-being.
Exploring influence - The influence and impact of drugs, gangs, role models and the media.
Addressing extremism and radicalisation - Community cohesion and challenging extremism.
Living in the wider world.
Work experience - Preparation for and evaluation of work experience and readiness for work.
Religious StudiesReligion and Life: The origins of the universe; The value of the world; The use and abuse of the environment; Pollution; The use and abuse of animals; The origins of human life; Abortion; Euthanasia; Death and the afterlife.The Design argument; The First Cause argument; The argument from miracles; Further arguments against the existence of God; Special revelation and enlightenment; General revelation; Different ideas about the divine; The value of revelation and enlightenment.Introduction to religion, peace and conflict; violent protest and terrorism; reasons for war; nuclear war and weapons of mass destruction; The just war; Holy war and religion as a cause of violence; Pacifism and peacemaking; Christian responses to victims of war.Reasons for crime; Christian attitudes to lawbreakers and different types of crime; Aims of punishment; Christian attitudes to suffering; Christian attitudes to the treatment of criminals – prison, corporal punishment and community service; Forgiveness; The death penalty.Revision and GCSE Examination
SpanishTravel and tourism: holiday preferences, visiting different places in Spanish-speaking countries
Grammar: use of preterite and imperfect tenses, expressions of sequence, estar + past participle, passive and passive forms with se, desde hacía + imperfect

Global issues: environmental problems and their solutions, discussing inequality and poverty in the world
Grammar: using ‘if’ sentences with present, reflexive constructions, negative expressions
Grammar and exam skills review and development: introduction of present subjunctive in a variety of contexts with form and structure highlighted
My studies: describing subjects/school facilities, comparing schools in UK and Spain, describing school life in different countries, describing your ideal school
Grammar: imperative, perfect tense, desde hace + the present, SE DEBE, HAY QUE, verbs that take infinitive, DEBERIA SER / DEBERIA HABER
Careers: talking about future options, university, gap year, apprenticeship, work experience, discussing how to get a job and advantages and disadvantages of getting a job
Grammar: LO QUE / LO + adjective, present subjunctive after expressions of time/in hypothetical situations, reflexive verbs
Film Study: Voces Inocentes. Understand geography, history and impact of child soldiers on the country's development and migration.