"It's been a whirlwind of wonderful experiences for him. I am so grateful that he’s been at a school that has nurtured and enabled him - thank you."

Year 9 - Curriculum on a Page

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Year 9

Curriculum Details - 2023/2024 (Current)

SubjectTerm 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6
ArtIntroduction to GCSE.
Assessment objectives and outline of the course.
Observational drawing - Pine cone project - learning about media.
Abstract Art - painting and relief collage.
Printmaking - Lino printing.
Learning about different types of printmaking.
Monoprinting with multi layer inks.
Creating a four colour lino print on the theme of Architecture.
Pop Art and 3D cardboard sculpture.
Learning about the work of the Pop artists with a focus on Claes Oldenburg.
Visual artist presentation.
Developing a cardboard and paper food sculpture.
Visual presentation about Surrealism.
Surrealist self portraits.
Development of self portraits, photographic imagery and digital art.
Surrealism- self portrait painting.
Year 10 exam 'In the style of'. Preparation work on Surrealism. Final piece developed from direct observation of a range of objects.
Ceramic clay heads inspired by Surrealist Art - thumb pots, slab work and coiling, joining techniques, modelling and carving.
Presentation and mounting of work for portfolio.
Independent project - Developing own ideas from a starting point and producing an independent piece linking to skills learnt in year 9.
BiologyCell Biology: Animal and plant cell function and structure. Microscopy, cell specialisation and differentiation. Culturing Microbes (Biology only). Required practicals 1 and 2.Cell division and cell transport: Chromosomes, mitosis and the cell cycle. Diffusion, osmosis and active transport. Adaptations of exchange surfaces. Required practical 3.Animal tissues, organs and organ systems: Digestive system, enzymes, heart, blood and blood vessels. Required practicals 4 and 5.Non-communicable disease: Coronary heart disease, healthy lifestyle, interactions of diseases and cancer.Plant tissues, organs and organ systems: transpiration and translocation, sources and uses of minerals.Infection and response: Communicable disease (viral, fungal, bacterial and protist). Human defence systems, vaccination, monoclonal antibodies (Biology only) and drug discovery and development. Disease in plants (Biology only).
Business StudiesWhat a business is, how they operate and the reasons for starting a business, enterprise and entrepreneurs, creating a business plan, how a business can be set up and owned and how to select an appropriate business location.Functions in a business, the sectors in which they operate, identify a range of stakeholders and conduct primary and secondary research to inform a business plan.Selecting an appropriate marketing mix including product, price, place and promotion. 'Dynamic nature of business' by looking at how external forces e.g. technology, the economy, legislation and environmental aspects impact businesses.Effects of competition, producing a SWOT analysis, methods of production, types of employment and organisational structures. Importance of managing finance in a business, financial terms and making financial calculations.
Final business plan updates. It will then be completed and printed.
Careers in business including recruitment process and documentation, CV writing, exploring jobs and careers in Business. Visit to Farmer Brown's and mini-project on sectors.
ChemistryAtomic Structure: Development of the model of the atom, subatomic particles, relative atomic mass (including calculation from relative abundance data), electronic structure.

The Periodic Table: Development of the Periodic Table, metals, non-metals and chemistry of Groups 1, 7, 0 and the transition metals.Bonding and Structure: formation of ions, basics of ionic, covalent and metallic bonding. Relationship between structure and properties of metals. Bonding and Structure (cont.): The relationship between Ionic and covalent bonding, structure and properties including carbon allotropes and nanoscience.Chemical Change (I): Metal oxides, the reactivity series, oxidation, reduction and the extraction of metals. Reactions of acids with metals, the neutralisation of acids, salt production, pH scale and neutralisation.Chemistry of the Atmosphere: The composition and evolution of the Earth's atmosphere, carbon dioxide and methane as greenhouse gases, common atmospheric pollutants and their sources.
Computer ScienceData Representation 1 - Analogue and digital signals, binary addition and hexadecimal, storing characters and images. Programming 1 - Turtle, repetition, sub programmes.Programming 1 - Data types and user input, parameter passing. Cyber Security - social engineering, security issues, backup and recovery.Network Security - Authentication, encryption, access control.Computer Systems - Hardware - Von Neumann architecture, Fetch Decode Execute cycle, main memory and secondary storage.Computational Thinking - Searching and sorting algorithms.
DT: GraphicsYear 9 A of the exam paper
3.1.1 New and emerging technologies Industry and people Enterprise Culture and society Environment and sustainability Production systems Critical evaluation
NEA Focus
Section E

3.1.2 Energy generation and storage Fossil fuels and Nuclear power Renewable sources of energy Energy generation and storage
Review Section 3.1.1
NEA Focus
Mini NEA

3.1.3 Developments in new materials Modern materials Smart materials Composites Technical textiles
NEA Focus

3.1.4 Systems approach to designing
3.1.5.Mechanical devices
Review of
3.1.1 New and emerging technologies
3.1.2 Energy generation and storage
3.1.3 Developments in new materials
NEA Focus
3.1.6 Materials and their working properties
3.1.6 Paper and Board Natural and manufactured timbers Metals and alloys Polymers Textiles

NEA Focus mini Same time as year 10
Theory Material properties
Review of
3.1.4 Systems approach to designing
3.1.5 Mechanical devices
3.1.6 Materials and their working properties Material properties

NEA Focus
DT: Resistant MaterialsYear 9 A of the exam paper
3.1.1 New and emerging technologies Industry and people Enterprise Culture and society Environment and sustainability Production systems Critical evaluation
NEA Focus
Section E
Practical skills – joinery
3.1.2 Energy generation and storage Fossil fuels and Nuclear power Renewable sources of energy Energy generation and storage
Review Section 3.1.1
NEA Focus
Mini NEA
Wooden Caddy
Storage of personal possessions
3.1.3 Developments in new materials Modern materials Smart materials Composites Technical textiles
NEA Focus
Mini NEA
Wooden Caddy – Storage of personal possessions
3.1.4 Systems approach to designing
3.1.5.Mechanical devices
Review of
3.1.1 New and emerging technologies
3.1.2 Energy generation and storage
3.1.3 Developments in new materials
NEA Focus
3.1.6 Materials and their working properties
3.1.6 Paper and Board Natural and manufactured timbers Metals and alloys Polymers Textiles

NEA Focus mini Same time as year 10
Theory Material properties
Review of
3.1.4 Systems approach to designing
3.1.5 Mechanical devices
3.1.6 Materials and their working properties Material properties

NEA Focus
EnglishLiterary Heritage - The development of the Gothic including short stories, Victorian mystery stories, extracts from gothic horror novels, the presentation of vampires, and gothic ideas in poetry. Gothic scheme continued; The power of language - rhetoric and argumentNarrative & Genre: new perspectives - a contemporary novel study (Tsunami Girl / Medusa / The Hate U Give)Narrative & Genre: short story selectionWorlds & Lives: contemporary voices in poetry - Caleb Femi
Literary Heritage - an introduction to Shakespeare's tragedy (Macbeth)
Literary Heritage - Shakespeare's tragedy (Macbeth)
FrenchMe, my family and my friends: My family and I, my friends and I, relationships with my friends and family and marriage and partnerships
Grammar: revising avoir/être, position of adjectives, reflexive verbs and future tense
Technology: Communicating online, the uses of social media, the advantages and disadvantages of mobile technology
Grammar: present tense of regular and irregular verbs, aller/faire
Free-time activities: TV, cinema, music, reading and sports
Grammar: present and perfect tense revision, perfect tense with être verbs, subordinating conjunctions, sequencers
Customs and celebrations: food and eating out, different cuisines, celebrations and festivals, how people celebrate differently, describing international festivals
Grammar: verb + infinitive, quantities, perfect tense revision, imperfect tense
Home and local area: describing furniture, our home, household chores, talking about our surroundings and different types of accommodation and describing your town and what there is to do.
Grammar: position and agreements of adjectives, negative phrases, demonstrative adjectives
Social issues: describing charities and the work you can do, the benefits of charity work, eating habits, comparing old and new health habits
Grammar: vouloir/pouvoir/devoir + infinitive, conditional tense (focusing on vouloir and aimer), imperfect tense revision
Geography3.1.2.1 Ecosystems - components, balance between components, impact of changing a component. Global ecosystems - distribution and characteristics. Tropical rainforests - physical characteristics, plant and animal adaptations, changing rates of deforestation, causes of deforestation. Tropical rainforests - impacts of deforestation, value of the rainforest, strategies to manage sustainably, palm oil plantations. Cold Environments UK physical landscapes. River landscapes in the UK - Long and cross profile River landscapes in the UK - Long and cross profile River landscapes in the UK - characteristics and formation of landforms, physical and human factors affecting flooding, hydrographs, hard engineering and soft engineering strategies and an example of a flood management scheme.

3.2.2 The changing economic world - development indicators, quality of life, demographic transition model, population pyramids, causes of uneven development, consequences of uneven development, strategies to reduce the development gap - investment, industrial development. 3.2.2 The changing economic world - strategies to reduce the development gap - aid, intermediate technology, fairtrade, debt relief, microfinance loans. Tourism in Jamaica.
Nigeria - importance regionally and globally, geographical context of Nigeria, the countries global trading relationships.
3.2.2 The changing economic world - Nigeria - the changing industrial sector, the role of TNCs, international aid, the environmental impact of economic development, the effects of development on quality of life.
GermanMe, my family and my friends: My family and I, my friends and I, relationships with my friends and family and marriage and partnerships
Grammar: revising haben/sein in present tense, using (ir)regular verbs, adjectives and future tense
Technology: Communicating online, the uses of social media, the advantages and disadvantages of mobile technology and phones
Grammar: use of present tense to refer to future, (in)direct object pronouns, perfect and imperfect tense
Free-time activities: TV, cinema, music, food and sports
Grammar: separable verbs in present, perfect and future tense, using "would like", revising present and perfect tense, revising gern/lieber/am liebsten to express preferences
Customs and celebrations: celebrations and festivals, how people celebrate differently, describing international festivals
Grammar: quantities, using adjectives as nouns, perfect tense revision
Home and local area: describing furniture, rooms, our home, talking about our surroundings, town and what there is to do.
Grammar: plurals of nouns, prepositions and cases, using inversion to form questions, modal verb "koennen"
Social issues: describing voluntary work (UK and abroad) and its benefits; lifestyle: eating habits, comparing old and new health habits
Grammar: using quantifiers and intensifiers, in plus dative/accusative case, revising modal verbs, using als when talking about the past
HistoryGCSE American West; 1835 - 1895; focus on the life on the Plains Indians; how they survive, the importance of the Buffalo and how they adapt to a nomadic lifestyle. Then study the reasons why migrants moved westwards, with a focus on Manifest Destiny and the importance of the Oregon TrailGCSE American West, 1835 - 1895: study of the experiences of the early migrants, especially the Donner Party, the Mormons and the Gold Rushes. The reasons for tension between the migrants and Plains Indians will be studied. The Impact of the American Civil War on migration will then be studied. GCSE American West, 1835 - 1895; focus on the development of the west by migrants. The topics will be the development of farming, the start and expansion of the cattle industry, and the end of the Open Range. Will also study the impact of rail roads on migration, settlement and the Plains Indians.GCSE American West, 1835 - 1895; focus on the impact of Government policy on the Plains Indians (inc. Grant's Peace Plan, the Indian Wars of 1862 - 1868 and the Battle of Little Big Horn). Will study law and order issues covering mining towns to the Johnson County War.Anglo-Saxon & Norman England, 1060 - 1089; focus on life in Anglo-Saxon England, inc. societal structure, the church, local government, and the uprising of Tostig in 1065. Following-on, the death of Edward the Confessor and the competition over the succession.Anglo-Saxon & Norman England, 1060 - 1089; focus on the succession crisis of 1066, (the battles, and the eventual submission of the earls). Then, will study the early Norman period with an emphasis on the Marcher Lords, the building of castles and the revolts (1068-1071).
MathematicsY7 Unit 1: Two way tables.
Y8 Unit 1: Factors & Powers – Index rules. STEM Link – standard form
Y8 Unit 3: Plans & Elevations
Y8 Unit 5: Transformations – Reflection, rotation, enlargement, Area & volume similar shapes. STEM link Combining transformations

Y8: Fractions, Decimals & Percentages – Recurring decimals, percentage change. FINANCE link – repeated percentage change.


Y8 Unit 7 – Loci
Y8 Unit 8: Probability – Comparing, mutually exclusive, estimating, experimental, diagrams inc probability trees.

Y8 Unit 10: Graphs – Parallel & perpendicular, Inverse. STEM link – non-linear graphs
Y9 Unit 1: Number – Review Y7 number work, standard form, surds.

Unit 2: Algebra – Basics review, quadratics, sequences.
Unit 4: Fractions, ratios & Percentages – review with special focus on percentages, ratio & proportion.

Unit 5: Angles & Trigonometry – Review angle rules, Pythagoras’ Theorem & trigonometry. STEM link to real life applications.

Unit 6: Graphs – Review the basics, real life graphs, linear graphs & coordinate geometry, quadratic, cubic & other graphs.
Unit 8: Transformations & Constructions – review transformations constructions, loci & bearings.

MusicSolo Performance baseline. Solo performances in class are then on a rotation to begin each lesson for the remainder of ks4.
Grade 3 and 4 theory and aural skills.
Focus on Rhythm and Metre in performance, composition and appraising tasks.
Perform in the soloist's concert last week of term.
Ensemble performance baseline - prepare and perform a group piece for the Christmas Concert.
Grade 3 and 4 theory and aural skills.
Focus on Pitch and Instrument recognition and techniques in performance, composition and appraising tasks.
Grade 3 and 4 theory and aural skills.
Focus on Tonality and Sonority in performance, composition and appraising tasks.
Perform in the soloist's concert last week of term.
Grade 3 and 4 theory and aural skills.
Focus on Harmony in performance, composition and appraising tasks.
Grade 3 and 4 theory and aural skills.
Focus on Structure in performance, composition and appraising tasks.
Solo performance progress update
Ensemble performance progress update - prepare and perform a group piece for the Summer Celebration.
Grade 3 and 4 theory and aural skills.
Focus on Texture in performance, composition and appraising tasks.
PhysicsEnergy stores and systems, changes in energy, kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, energy changes in systems, specific heat capacity, required practical 1Power, work done, conservation and dissipation of energy, energy transfers in a system, required practical 2 (physics only), efficiency, national and global energy resourcesCurrent, potential difference and resistance, standard circuit diagram symbols, electrical charge and current, required practical 3, series and parallel circuits
Resistors, filament lamps, diodes, current-voltage characteristic graphs, ohmic and non-ohmic conductors, thermistors, light dependent resistors, required practical 4Domestic uses and safety, direct and alternating potential difference, mains electricity, energy transfers in everyday appliances, the national grid, static electricity (physics only)Review of Energy and Electricity
PSHEHealth and well-being.
Peer influence, substance use and gangs - Healthy and unhealthy friendships, assertiveness, substance misuse, and gang exploitation.
Living in the wider world.
Setting goals - Learning strengths, career options and goal setting as part of the GCSE options process.
Respectful relationships - Families and parenting, healthy relationships, conflict resolution, and relationship changes.
Health and well-being.
Healthy lifestyle - Diet, exercise, lifestyle balance and healthy choices, and first aid.
Intimate relationships - Relationships and sex education including consent, contraception, the risks of STIs, and attitudes to pornography.
Living in the wider world.
Employability skills - Employability and online presence.
Religious StudiesChristian Beliefs and Teachings: Christianity as a World faith; Beliefs about the nature of God; The Trinity; Different beliefs about creation; The incarnation and Jesus, the Son of God; The crucifixion; The resurrection and ascension; Life after death; Judgement; Heaven and Hell; Sin and Salvation.Worship; Prayer; Baptism; Holy Communion; Pilgrimage; Christmas; Easter; The Church in the local community: Food Banks, Street Pastors; The place of mission and evangelism; Church growth; The importance of the worldwide Church; Christian persecution; The Church's response to world poverty.Islam Beliefs and Teachings: The Oneness of God and the supremacy of God's will; Key beliefs of Sunni and Shi'a Islam; nature of God; Angels; Predestination; Life after death; Prophethood and Adam; Ibrahim; Muhammad and the Imamate; The holy books in Islam.Islam Practices: The Five Pillars, The Ten Obligatory Acts and the Shahadah; Salah: the daily prayers; Zakah: almsgiving; Hajj: Pilgrimage; Jihad; The festivals of Id-ul-Fitr and Id-ul-Adha; The festival of Ashura.Relationships and Families: Christian teachings about human sexuality; Sexual relationships before and outside marriage; Contraception and family planning; Marriage; Divorce and remarriage; Christian teachings about the nature and purpose of families; Christian teachings about gender equality.Application of religious teachings to various issues.
SpanishMe, my family and my friends: My family and I, my friends and I, relationships with my friends and family and marriage and partnerships
Grammar: TENER and SER, adjectives, reflexive verbs, possessive adjectives, subject pronouns, immediate future tense, direct and indirect object pronouns

Technology: Communicating online, the uses of social media, the advantages and disadvantages of mobile technology
Grammar: comparatives, question words, perfect tense, HABIA / ERA, POR / PAR, present continuous tense
Free-time activities: TV, cinema, music, reading and sports
Grammar: GUSTAR/ENCANTAR, common irregular verbs, pronouns after con, adverbs, JUGAR / HACER, future tense
Customs and celebrations: food and eating out, different cuisines, celebrations and festivals, how people celebrate differently, describing international festivals
Grammar: preterite tense including reflexives, imperfect HAY / HABIA, revise numbers
Home and local area: describing furniture, our home, household chores, talking about our surroundings and different types of accommodation and describing your town and what there is to do.
Grammar: HAY, SER, ESTAR, quantity, prepositions, SE PUEDE + impersonal, demonstrative adjectives
Social issues: describing charities and the work you can do, the benefits of charity work, eating habits, comparing old and new health habits
Grammar: ME GUSTARIA, TENER/MEJOR QUE, negatives