"Thank you so much for supporting and helping me through my GCSE years. I am so happy with the results that I obtained and I know I would not have achieved them without your support and the opportunities which QEGS has presented to me. I am very grateful to you and the school for getting the best out of me."

Y7 Induction

When students join us in Y7 there is an extensive programme of support offered, as children moving from relatively small primary schools are bound to feel some apprehension when moving to secondary school. This support includes:

  • Maintaining close links with local primary schools.
  • Our Head of Lower School visiting children in the familiar surroundings of their primary school to offer reassurance and address any concerns as early as possible.
  • Running "master classes" in the summer term of Y6 when they will meet their new form tutor and participate in extension activities.
  • An Induction Day in July where new students spend the day at Queen Elizabeth's, meet their new form tutor and experience a range of lessons and new routines, looked after by members of our sixth form. There is a meeting for parents in the afternoon, after which they meet their child's new form tutor and have an opportunity to purchase uniform items from the school uniform shop.
  • A "Meet the Tutors" Evening in October, where parents can check on their child's progress and share any concerns.
  • Mentoring by Sixth Form students.