Please click on the link below for a list of school term times.
Fri |
3 |
INSET Day (School Closed) |
Deadline Y8 Options Booklet |
Review of Y10 targets |
Mon |
6 |
Y11 Mocks (English/Maths) and Y13 mocks - Hall throughout w/c 06.01.25 |
Y12 & Y13 Applied Business Exams Start |
Y12 optional in-class assessments |
Thu |
9 |
KS3 Boys Badminton Tournament at KEVIGS |
Fri |
10 |
Y7 & Y9 Targets Set |
Y10 Targets Review Complete |
Mon |
13 |
Y10 HL: ONLY Revision until exams |
Tue |
14 |
Y10 Parents' Evening |
Wed |
15 |
Y12 & Y13 External Applied Exams Finish |
Thu |
16 |
SL's check Y7 & Y9 Targets |
Finance, Audit & Risk Committee (6.00 pm) |
Mon |
20 |
HoS check Y7 & Y9 targets |
Thu |
23 |
Y11 Parents' Evening |
Fri |
24 |
Y12 PG & Y13 Interim Reports onto intranet |
A Level Art, Private View (By Invitation): 4.00 pm |
Mon |
27 |
Y7 & Y9 Targets issued via email
End of mock exams. |
Tue |
28 |
Y7, Y11 & Y12 PG & AtL's onto intranet |
School Council Meeting (PROVISIONAL) |
Wed |
29 |
Curriculum & Standards Meeting (5.00 pm) |
Thu |
30 |
Subject Leaders' Meeting (3.50 pm) |
Intermediate Maths Challenge |
KS3 Girls' Badminton Tournament @ KEVIGS |
Fri |
31 |
SL's to check PG & AtL's (Y7,Y11,Y12) & Interim Reports (Y13) & check personal statements done |
Y9 Dual Vaccinations (MenACWY & Td/IPV) |
Mon |
3 |
Y8 HL: ONLY Revision until exams |
Y10 Exams in Hall |
Tue |
4 |
Y8 Parents' & Options Evening |
Fri |
7 |
Non-uniform Day |
Mon |
10 |
Departmental Meetings (during w/c 10.02.25) (3.50 pm) |
Student Leadership Interviews |
Wed |
12 |
Full Governing Board (6.00 pm) |
Year 7 and 8 Girls' Futsal Tournament at Horncastle Football Ground |
Thu |
13 |
Hos to check PG & AtL's (Y7,Y11,Y12) & Interim Reports (Y13) |
Fri |
14 |
Issue PG & AtL's (Y7, Y11 & Y12) & Interim Reports (Y13) |
Mon |
24 |
Y10 interims on intranet (Not including RS) |
Y8 Exams in lessons commence |
Tue |
25 |
Y9 Stay Safe Day |
HoS Meeting (3.50 pm) |
Thu |
27 |
Musical Variety Show |
Fri |
28 |
Y9 PG & AtL's on intranet. |
SL checked Y10 interims & personal statements done |
Sat |
1 |
Y8 & Y12 Ski Trip Departs |
Mon |
3 |
Data Meetings until Friday 14 March |
Y10 RS Mock in Hall |
Y12 Work Experience |
Wed |
5 |
Year 9 and 10 Girls'Futsal Tournament at Horncastle Football Ground |
Y10 Trip to GCSE Science Live! In Sheffield |
Thu |
6 |
Best Practice Meeting (3.50 pm) |
HoS checked Y10 interims (Not including RS) |
Health & Safety Committee (2.00 pm) |
Fri |
7 |
SL check Y9 PG & AtL grades |
Y10 interims issued |
Y13 PG & AtL on intranet |
Sat |
8 |
Y8 & Y12 Ski Trip Returns |
Mon |
10 |
Departmental Meetings (w/c 10.03.25) @ 3.50 pm |
Tue |
11 |
SL to check Y13 PG & AtL |
Founders' Day |
Wed |
12 |
Finance, Audit & Risk Committee (6.00 pm) |
Fri |
14 |
HoS check Y9 & Y13 PG & AtL |
Sat |
15 |
Manchester City Football Club Trip |
Mon |
17 |
Y9 & Y13 PG & AtL issued electronically |
Tue |
18 |
Y10-Y12 Career's Presentation: "University Life" by the University of Derby (Main Hall): P3 |
Thu |
20 |
Y12 & Y13 Parents' Evening |
Fri |
21 |
Merit Cut Off for Y9-Y13 |
Mon |
24 |
Y10 Full RS Reports |
Tue |
25 |
SL check Y8 interims & personal statements done |
Wed |
26 |
Y10 Pupil Maths Feast (Cleethorpes) |
Full Governing Board (6.00 pm) |
Thu |
27 |
Subject Leaders' Meeting (3.50 pm) |
Mon |
31 |
Y9 HL: Only Revision until exams |
Thu |
1 |
Junior Maths Challenge |
Fri |
2 |
End of Y7 exams |
Mon |
5 |
Bank Holiday |
Wed |
7 |
Finance, Audit & Risk Committee (6.00 pm) |
Thu |
8 |
Subject Leaders' Meeting (3.50 pm) |
GCSE's Start |
Fri |
9 |
Y7 & Y9 interim reports on intranet |
Y13 Last Day in School |
Mon |
12 |
A Levels Start |
Y13 Study Leave commences |
Tue |
13 |
School Council Meeting (PROVISIONAL) |
Wed |
14 |
Full Governing Board (6.00 pm) |
Thu |
15 |
SL to check Y9 Interims & personal statements completed |
SL check Y7 interims & personal statements completed |
Mon |
19 |
Department Meetings (w/c 19.05.25) @ 3.50 pm |
Wed |
21 |
HoS check Y7 interims |
Thu |
22 |
HoS to check Y9 interims |
Y11 & Y13 Projected Grades (not shared) onto Intranet |
Fri |
23 |
Deadline for Whole School Development Plan |
Y7 & Y9 Interim Reports issued electronically |
Mon |
2 |
Tue |
3 |
Optional Y10 in class exam-style assessments |
Wed |
4 |
Y12 exams in Hall |
Thu |
5 |
Policies Committee (2.00 pm) |
Y9 Parents' Evening |
Wed |
11 |
Y6 Masterclasses (4.15 - 5.30 pm) |
Fri |
13 |
Y11 Last Day in School |
Mon |
16 |
Department Meetings w/c 16.06.25 |
Y10 Work Experience Week |
Tue |
17 |
Y7 Parents' Evening |
Wed |
18 |
Last Day of GCSE Exams |
Y6 Masterclasses (4.15 - 5.30 pm) |
Fri |
20 |
PMR Reviews commence |
Department Development Plans Deadline |
Last Day of A Level Exams |
Mon |
23 |
Headteacher meetings with SL to review Department Plans |
Deadline for Y8 & Y10 Reports onto Intranet |
Y9 Mock RS Exam (Hall) |
Tue |
24 |
Open Evening |
Wed |
25 |
Y12 interims onto Intranet |
UCAS references written |
Exam Contingency Day |
Y6 Masterclasses (4.15 - 5.30 pm) |
Thu |
26 |
Y12 Induction |
Fri |
27 |
Y8 & Y10 reports checked by SL's |
Tue |
1 |
Y12 interims checked by SL's & personal statements ready |
Wed |
2 |
Finance, Audit & Risk Committee (6.00 pm) |
Thu |
3 |
Subject Leaders' Meeting (3.50 pm) |
Y7 Induction Day |
Mon |
7 |
Y12 Tutor Review Meetings for week |
Y8 & Y10 Reports issued electronically |
Y12 interims issued electronically |
Wed |
9 |
Full Governing Board (6.00 pm) |
Summer Celebration (Set up P3 & Rehearsal P4/5) |
Headteacher's Office" |
Thu |
10 |
Summer Merit cut-off |
Fri |
11 |
Coastal and Wolds Athletics Championships Years 7-10 [All Day Event] |
Tue |
15 |
Merit Assembly Y9-Y12 (P3) |
Wed |
16 |
Health & Safety Committee (2.00 pm) Headteacher's Office |
Thu |
17 |
PMR Deadline |
Y9 RS Mock Exams issued to parents |
Fri |
18 |
House Talent Show (am) |
Tue |
22 |
Summer Fayre (pm) |